Boring “life is good” post

8:34 AM

Well it’s Friday and I’m not feeling as exhausted as I have the past few Fridays. That’s a good thing.

My life is good. I know it.

I resolved my issues (in my mind) with the student I allowed to preoccupy me yesterday afternoon. I will pull him aside on Tuesday and tell him I have changed my mind about making an exception for him. I will point out that it’s still not too late to drop my class. Heh.

Exceptions do not help anyone. I think they especially don’t help the person asking for the exception.

I’m listening to an old CD mix tape I put on this morning. It started with a Fiji Shuffle, then went on to a Shins tune, a Vivaldi Oboe concerto movement and right now I am listening to Balinese Gamelan music.

This music helped me realize how good life is and and how good mine is this very day.

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