books, skin, eyes, ears

I’m supposed to call Eileen in about twenty minutes. I’m going to try to get a quick blog in now because we have a full day planned. First to Grand Rapids to the dermatologist, then this afternoon to the eye guy to check on my recent surgical placement of new lenses in my eyes. White Tears: A novel: 9780451493699: Kunzru, Hari: Books

I started White Tears by Hari Kunzru. I have been saving it for a good time. Yesterday was definitely that time. My legs and arms bothered me all day. They are a bit better today. I have been having more alcohol and less fake gin lately. I suspect alcoholic content aggravates my condition since it seems the day after drinks is not a pleasant one, rash-wise. This was the case yesterday.

But today is better. As I suspected I would, I am loving White Tears. It is about two people I would describe as recordists. One of these men is poor but skilled, Seth, the other is rich and also skilled but not to the extent of Seth. His name is Carter.

Seth loves to walk around and record ambient sounds. The crux of the story is a recording he made in Washington Square of a chess player. This man is African American and beats the local yokel who plays chess for 10 dollars a game. As he wins he sings a snippet of what sounds like an old blues tune.

The next time Seth listens the moment on the recording is different. Though he is walking around the sound is centralized in the stereo recording and doesn’t reflect his movement. Later he and Carter listen to it and this time there is more than a snippet. There is an entire old blues song sung unaccompanied.

They are early recording freaks and like their recordings rough and analog. So I’m enjoying it despite having personally chosen not to pursue recording as an interest.

92 Space Age ideas | retro futurism, retro rocket, rocket tattoo

The only other thing on my mind is The History of Tomorrow episdoe of the On The Media podcast and The Evening Rocket Dimension X episode of The Last Archive Podcast.

They Came From Dimension X! – THE LANCEWORKS

On On The Media they talk about science fiction’s influence on cyber moguls like Elon Musk. I haven’t listened all the way through but they do mention writers I don’t know as examples of what would be better influences on people like Musk. This morning I noticed that Jill Lepore had two new The Last Archive podcasts out.

Then I remembered Lepore had made a brief appearance on the new On The Media. The new The Last Archive episodes are a series that she did for the BBC on the topic of science fiction and Elon Musk. Cool.

After seeing the dermatologist

I have now been back and forth to the GR skin guy. I was incorrect to assume that I had no diagnosis. I have atopic ezcema which typically can flare up and can cause swelling. It’s a relief that they know why I am in such discomfort. The assistant gave me a cortisone shot and the doctor prescribed a combined cortisone/moisturizer ointment. I am already feeling some relief from the shot. I go back in two weeks.

Eileen is relieved. She is going to see Dr. Fuentes tomorrow to get a referral to see someone about her ears. Her hearing has been not working so well. She thinks she probably has wax build up and was trying to get Fuentes to refer her to someone.


I published this blog then began reading some links. Lo and behold, it turns out that I already had linked in to an article by Jill Lepore which seems to cover some of the ground in her podcast. Here again is the link.

Opinion | Elon Musk Is Building a Sci-Fi World, and the Rest of Us Are Trapped in It – The New York Times

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