blogging while resting up for this evening


I’m writing during my resting period before this evening’s choir rehearsal. Eileen has been on call all day. She is driving Jennifer Moore, the weaving workshop presenter, from the airport to her lodgings. She was supposed to pick her up around noon. They were planning lunch together. But Moore’s planes have been canceling. Now Eileen is going to be picking her up closer to 10:00 PM this evening IF she is able to get a plane into GR.

That’s the bad news. The good news is that Eileen will be able to come to choir rehearsal this evening. Her workshop starts in earnest on Sunday and she has signed up to help register people. She is excited about this and I’m very happy to see her so involved in something she likes.

I managed to time all the  music on the June 9th recital today. This resulted in me lopping off several anthems I had wanted to include, but I am determined not to have too long a recital. At this writing I think I have about 45 minutes of music. That is plenty. When I factor in logistics and other stuff I am hoping to come in under an hour. I made a copy of my working order to give to the choir this evening. Next Wednesday we will probably run through most of the program in order.

I am looking forward to getting some time off soon. I enjoy my work, but it’s time for a break.

Lies about treason and coups – GreenwichTime

This is an article by James Comey. It was listed on my aggragator app as coming from the Washington Post. It also says that on this link…. I don’t know what GreenwichTime is but assume it has something to do with Greenwich Village or some other place in D.C.

Opinion | My Rapist Apologized – The New York Times

This is by Michelle Alexander, the author of The New Jim Crow.  I admire the way her mind works. This article is a startling story of how she as a Mom had to tell her daughter she had been raped and also how her mother had had the same experience (telling Alexander that she —- her Mom — had also been raped. Good read.

What to Do When You’re a Country in Crisis – The New York

This is an interesting review of Jared Diamond’s latest book Upheaval. The author of the review convinced me with the way he pointed out the errors in the book and some weaknesses….. I still may read Diamond’s book, but I will keep this review handy for perspective.

In ‘The Octopus Museum,’ Brenda Shaughnessy Sees a Cephalopod Future

I rarely read reviews of poetry books in the NTY book review, but this one made me want to read the book. Cool.

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