blogging in phoenix

Eileen and I are almost to California. We had a stop over in Chicago and now we are waiting in Phoenix for our final flight to Ontario (California). I bought a cowboy hat here in Phoenix. And sunglasses. So I guess I’m ready for a California vacation now.

I finished reading several books lately.

I  finished Brothers Karamazov on the way here. It was an excellent read. Good translation (Penyear/Volohkonsky). I will be mulling over that for a while.

I also finished Troubles by John Banville.

I’m not sure how I ran across this novel. But it was excellent. A weird mixture of Irish/Brit politics at the beginning of the 20th century and whimsy. Whimsy to the extreme. I would read another book by this guy.

Having a smart phone makes travel more fun. No matter what I seem to be able to access the Internet with it. Very cool. Also it’s nice to have the Kindle along. I have tons of books sitting on it. I read in Flannery O’Connor in between the two novels above. Plus I have several books on it that I have been reading for a while.

Phoenix has free Wifi which is enabling me to do this blog. It seems to me that’s the way it should be. Well. Onward.

1. Aldrin – ‘After Earth’ Noisier Than Space Really Is –

I guess sometimes it takes an astronaut to remind movie makers that there is no atmosphere in space to carry noise.

2. Andrew M. Greeley, Outspoken Priest and Writer, Dies at 85 –

I have read many novels and sociological studies by Greeley. He was (is?) a blessing to anyone trying to see Catholics in a positive way.

3. Authorities Investigate Disneyland Dry-Ice Blast –

Ahem. Where I’m headed Not Disneyland specifically but California.


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