blogging after all

I skipped blogging this morning. Too much to do. Dropped in on my Mom with flowers. While I was there, the nurse came in and said that Mom’s morning blood test had shown her to have low hemoglobin.  She needed to go in to ER. The ambulance had already been called.

I think this blood test was part of Mom’s move from independent living to assisted living quarters.

When I asked Mom if she wanted me to go with her to ER she said if I had time. Since I didn’t have anything specific scheduled until my noon ballet class, I told her I would meet her there.

Ran home and grabbed my netbook and a few books (in case the wifi goes down). Went to the ER to wait and began posting updates on Facebook.

At this point they have diagnosed Mom with MICROCHROMIC MICROCYTIC ANEMIA with a low hemoglobin count of 5.6 (presumably per decaliter). She will have to spend the night in the hospital so they can slowly give her transfusions. The doctor told me that sometimes blood can be given too quickly and that was the reason for the hospitalization.

Mom of course is not thrilled with that. But I’m hoping that bringing her hemoglobin up to snuff will make a difference in her strength and dizziness. She has been showing signs of improvement in her new digs already. Plus they caught this hemoglobin deficiency. Cool beans.

So now I’m sitting in her ER room blogging as she rests.

An Atlas of the Difficult World: Poems 1988-1991

Polished off Rich’s volume of poetry, An Atlas of the Difficult World, this morning. It’s bound in with a volume of her essays and another larger collection of her poetry.

I find myself admiring her work.


Rev. Ruth Hawley-Lowry: MLK, Trayvon and Jesus

This woman attends my church.  This is a good article. She is extremely supportive of my work as a church musician and constantly (almost embarrassingly) compliments me.


Britons Protest Government Eavesdropping Plans –

Who needs strip searches?


Respect the Future –

This is a troubling story of a man who attempted to nurse his wife suffering with Alzheimers and then ended up killing her and himself. The comments are pretty interesting as well on this one.


Tyler and Trayvon –

This article expresses reservations about hate crime laws. This is something that has troubled me for ages. Clearly people who break the norms of our society need to be sequestered. But there are already laws against killing and other things. My freedom ends where your nose begins kind of thing….


Pink Slime Economics –

Paul Krugman says it’s an insult to Pink Slime to compare it to the Republican House Budget just passed. Conservatives beware. This article will probably piss you off. But I think he makes sense.


When It Comes to Immigration, Privatization Can Kill –

More examples of the harm privatization can cause when applied incorrectly.


Does It Matter if the Orchestra Isn’t in the Pit? –

Visceral experience of music is definitely enhanced when it doesn’t come via electronic reproduction. Of course, I’m totally biased about this.



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2 thoughts on “blogging after all

  1. I hope your Mom feels better soon. I think your picture of Night Nurse is for you, as in “you wish”. I still read, but am mostly too busy to comment.

  2. Thanks, Ray. I’ll pass along your kind words….. yes it is a busy time for me as well…. looking forward to some time off this summer

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