bless their hearts

Couldn’t get my website to come up this morning so I wrote offline. So now I’m posting late, so no pics today.

Eileen and I used our day off for tasks instead of relaxing. She worked on taxes. She got our federal mostly done, but stalled trying to figure out the interest we paid on one of the four student loans for our youngest daughter, Sarah. I went to church and worked on picking out anthems.

My enthusiasm for church (and family stuff) has waned recently. Some of this is because I am acutely aware of how at my church I cannot really function as music director in the present situation. ‘Nuff said.

Anyway, I managed to choose anthems for the rest of the year which is a load off my mind.

I was having problems with the interwebs this morning. My web site wouldn’t come up. My admin page wouldn’t come up. Bluhost (the server where my web site is hosted) is upgrading their OS. I suspect that might be the problem since I can’t logon to Bluhost.

then I tried to bitch about it on Facebook and Facebook wouldn’t let me. I managed to circumvent its reluctance by putting the bitch in a comment instead of a status.


Otherwise this morning is going well. Put most of the clocks an hour forward. Read poetry and Virginia Woolf. Played some Schubert on my electric piano with headphones on.

And now of course my web site is back because you are reading this.


Mitt, Grits and Grit –

Kudos to Charles M. Blow for helping me understand that my Southern background peeks through when I use the phrase, “Bless your heart.”


Classical Music Critic Justin Davidson Learns How to Conduct — New York Magazine

Thank you to Peter Kurdziel for pointing to this article on Facebook.


Teachers Need Trust and Security –

Perspective from a teacher trying to teach and also keep students safe.


Closing the Gap Between Rich and Poor –

Letters to the editor about Charles Murray’s recent NYT op ed piece.


Faces out of the Crowd: On the Renaissance Portrait | The Nation

I got a free copy of Nation in a PDF since I filled out one of their surveys. This totally worked as I am seriously considering resubscribing via online delivery.

This article is an example of why…. I like how it talks about evolving consciously of individuality via painting….

Also that a book it referred to was available in a free ebook:

Civilization of Renaissance in Italy by Jacob Burckhardt – Free eBook


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