birthday boy

Just have time for a quick entry this morning. I didn’t have dance class yesterday. One of the instructors is out of town this week. So they are combining classes yesterday and tomorrow. Hence, they only need one of two pianists. I play tomorrow but was asked not to show yesterday.

But I filled up my day with stuff to do.  Besides shopping at the farmers market and grocery store, I treadmilled, gave a piano lesson, made pie and made another batch of pesto. I now have 6 containers of pesto in the freezer. Will make one more Saturday. I think that might be enough to feed 100 guests at my niece’s wedding.

The Monday and Tuesday auditions went pretty well except for the Tuesday evening session. This session started about 45 minutes late. The teacher had neglected to reserve the auditorium so we were unable to use it and were forced to use the stuffy choir room. Plus unlike the previous day, I had to wait through some reading of the script until the people auditioning needed piano accompaniment. Made for a tedious tiring ending of a long day.

Yesterday was my 59th buy mano-diazepam birthday. I had a nice one. Very low key. Eileen and I went out to eat. It was warm enough that we could sit outside at the pub and eat. That was nice. There were a lot of weird bugs, but still it was good to eat outside (probably one last time this summer).  Eileen then insisted on checking out some grills at Lowes and Menards. She wanted me to pick one out for my birthday, but I didn’t see anything that I wanted to purchase right away.

Oddly enough I didn’t practice yesterday. I had church tasks on my list of things to do (make follow up phone calls, choose anthems, prep for Sunday’s first choir rehearsal), but decided not to do them.  I still have some time before it’s too late for this stuff.

My Thursday dance class starts in 40 minutes. Then I meet with my boss, take my mom to the hearing aid place,  rehearse with my trio and go to the oral surgeon to discuss having some teeth implants.

Eileen just asked me how it feels to be 59 years old. I replied, “Pretty much the same.”

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