bad internet connection


We have moved to a B&B not far from Matthew, Sarah, and Lucy. We stayed at this same place in 2016 when we visited. The internet was spotty then and is no better now. Sarah contacted the owners and they opened up their new wedding barn which is near and gave us the password to the new, faster connection there. It’s kind of a pain, but at least I was able to do my Greek.

I seem to have left my blood pressure meds in the States. We discovered this on last weekend when I ran out of what I had in my little holder. First we went to the pharmacist at the big grocery store where we were shopping (Tesco).  The pharmacist gave me 5 days worth. He told me to wait until Monday then call 111 and ask for help. When we did this they said we would have to go to a pharmacist or a doctor to get more. We happen to be in Bicester on Monday shopping so we went to a pharmacist there. She told us that the Tesco dude shouldn’t have given us any meds and that we needed to go to a doctor.

So that’s what we did this morning. Sarah had to call for a same day appointment at 8 AM with her doctor. They scheduled us in at 9 and by 10 AM I had enough meds to last me until I come home. There was no charge for any of this except for the five days worth the Tesco guy gave me and that was only a couple of pounds.

I am finding that all of this running around wears me out, but it’s great spending time with the family.

I am learning how dependent I am on the ability to be able to stream the internet at any moment. I can do okay without it. Yesterday I pulled down a dictionary from the web since I often ask the web for the definition of words I don’t know.

I also pulled down Shakespeare’s complete works, Virginia Woolfe’s complete works, and the multi-volume Harvard Classics from Kindle. All for a combined price of about five dollars. This is helpful when I can’t get to the internet.

I’m about halfway through Kate Atkinson’s Life After Life. I found it bogging down last night. The book grabbed my interest at the beginning with its shifts of possible lives of the main character. Then it settled down into a bit of a hum drum account of her life for several chapters. I will return to it at some point in hopes that it gets better.

Image result for say nothing keefe

In the meantime, I have been reading Say Nothing:  A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Island. Normally I don’t go for true crime/war things but this was recommended online somewhere and is helping me become more conversant with the stuff in Ireland’s recent history.

Today marks about a month since my last Sunday at work. I had church dreams last night for the first time since taking off. Not exactly anxiety but a reminder that I need to keep decompressing.

2 thoughts on “bad internet connection

  1. I love seeing that you’re having a great visit, in spite of the challenges. Bigger picture, fun for all! Enjoy. and thank you for sharing the pics.

    1. Yes, we are having a great time. I didn’t mean to sound too negative, but it surprises me how dependent I have grown on instant internet access.

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