back in Holland


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It was a long travel day yesterday. We left Sarah’s house around 9 AM local time (that would be 4 AM Michigan time). We arrived home last night around 11:30 PM local time.

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I didn’t get to bed until much later but rose at my usual 5:30 AM or so this morning.

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I was very pleased when i got on my scales that I hadn’t gained any weight on vacation (still a hefty 222 lbs). At first during vacation I was trying to eat as much non processed food as possible but by the end of the U.K. visit I was gobbling up cake and fries with  my meals. My blood pressure was also low this morning but since my body was probably reeling from the shift in time zones it might not be that good an indication of how my blood pressure is doing.

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It is good to be home.

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I think the time away has provided me some perspective.  My attitude has definitely shifted. I feel much less worried about how I am perceived by local yokels. (I’m thinking of other musicians besides my friends Rhonda and Jordan.) For some reason, it’s clearer to me that my life in my books and music is my real life.

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Having said that, I loved seeing my family. Some of the highlights of my vacation involve my two lovely grand daughters. First, I was charmed when Alex took me by the hand in the Dublin house and led me to the piano to play music for her.

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Then, while in England, Lucy seemed to quite like my beard and enjoyed touching it and my hairy arm.

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It was also especially fun to have time with Matthew (Hi Matthew). Having said above that I live in my books and music, I still miss intelligent talk with people who are not Eileen or my shrink or boss. I enjoyed chats with him and of course enjoyed seeing everyone. (Hi Everyone!)

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So today I am a bit tired as you might expect. Eileen went to the masseuse this afternoon. Her back did okay on the trip but she is still not quite back to normal.

Piano player covered in smoke - Animated GIF by Bill Domonkos

I have been playing Scarlatti and Chopin on the piano today. I have told Eileen that the one thing I would like to change is that I would like to upgrade my piano at home. I don’t really have access to a good instrument right now. I think it’s very possible that I can trade my present instrument for one that is more like the quality of an upright Steinway and not have to spent an arm and a leg for it.

Anyway that’s my dream after vacation.

2 thoughts on “back in Holland

  1. Glad you had a good time with family! Also, glad you and Eileen had a safe trip home. Welcome back!!!

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