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a cruel and viscious place

Eileen and I watched a dark little flick written and directed by Bobcat Goldthwait last night.

It’s a violent little flick in which the main characters kill annoying people.

They end up on the set of Amercan Superstar (American Idol). Joel Murray who plays the main character occasionally spouts some odd monologues that seem to be explicitly what the movie is trying to say. Example:

‘America has become a cruel and vicious place. We reward the shallowest, the dumbest, the meanest and the loudest. We no longer have any common sense or decency. No sense of shame. There is no right and wrong. The worst qualities in people are looked up to and celebrated. Lying and spreading fear are fine. As long as you make money doin’ it. We’ve become a nation of slogan-saying, bile-spewing hate-mongers. We’ve lost our kindness. We’ve lost our soul.

If what he was saying wasn’t so satisfying to me, this might have been cloying. I notice that it was released on September 11, 2011. Fitting.

I wore myself out yesterday.

I gave it my all at work as usual for the service. We sang a crowd pleaser arrangement of “This Little Light of Mine.” I worked out an interp that involved me adding some gospel piano to the intro and the ending. The choir did a pretty good job. The congregation applauded afterwards which is simultaneously encouraging and discouraging.


They had just shown a clever little fund raising video of parish kids talking to the camera about what they liked about Grace.

The crowd was in a very informal mood after that. I think that might have had something to do with the applause. Plus the ending I did was very pop/gospel and probably called for applause.

I was surprised.

After church I had arranged to rehearse with instrumentalists and invited choir members (most of which skipped) to come and sing their part along with them. Unfortunately one of the instrumentalists had not looked at her part and had difficulty reading it. This requires me to stay supportive to the person unprepared but sensitive to the fact that giving her too much time is not fair to the rest of the group. This takes energy.

After we had rehearsed as a group I worked with the person who was unprepared for another half hour, helping her (I hope).

Came home and made recordings for one of my dance teachers.

She devised a combination that needed alternate measures of 5 and 6 beats. 5/4 and 6/4 was how I thought of it. While we were doing this she asked me if I could somehow record what I was improvising so she could work on it on the days she didn’t have a pianist. I consented.

Unfortunately this turned into another time and energy consuming project even though I tried to make it easy for myself. I took a Ron Carter jazz waltz and dropped a beat in every fourth measure which created the needed rhythm pattern. This was supposed to be an advanced (not as obvious) version.

This came off in one or two takes.

But I found that when I improvised something simple as I had in class I had problems. I sped up. I dropped beats.

By the time I was done I was exhausted.

I have another full day today which ends with me giving a mini recital at church to the St. Martha’s Guild.



America’s Addled Puritanism | Via Meadia

We are simultaneously the most licentious and sexually open society since Nero was fiddling around in Rome, and the most uptight and rigid country this side of Saudi Arabia.


The Joke’s on You | Steve Almond | The Baffler

I know I have put this link up before. If you believe as I do that military’s main purpose is to kill people and that this very rarely if ever is justified there are some fine quotes from Bill Hicks and Mark Twain in this article. I almost put one up on Facebook yesterday then I remembered it was Veteran’s Day and some of my reactionary friends who not appreciate it.

On Saturday I was standing in line at the Farmers Market. The person in front of me was asking the old man who was selling vegetables about his heater. It was a warm day. The old man said that ever since he had served in the army his hands were always cold. The customer asked him if he had served someplace cold. No, he said, two years in Vietnam. It was the Agent Orange that left him debilitated.

Ay yi yi.

Both the customer and I wished him a Happy Veteran’s Day.


Sunday morning score prep and David Byrne

Today after church I have a rehearsal with instrumentalists who are going to play the next Sunday. I was experiencing some uneasiness about the accuracy of their parts on the anthem by Byrd which I copied by hand into a Finale file. So, this morning I carefully went over my finale score comparing it to the one I had worked from. No mistakes. It’s so easy for a little inaccuracy to slip in, so this kind of proof reading is important.


I then made a score for me with missing instrument part (I called it cello 1) and the vocal part. That way I can reinforce the singers in the performance as well as provide the missing part. The original was scored for five viols.

I will have violin, flute, viola and cello to cover 4 of these parts.

I read another essay in the Hymnal 1982 Companion Volume One. This one was about the techniques Winifred Douglas used in his Gregorian chant adaptations.

Winifred Douglas, editor of the Hymnal 1940 of the Episcopal Church

I didn’t know that he consciously imitated the way anonymous medieval chant composers put together new chants. Very informative.

I also read a bit in David Byrne’s How Music Works.

I find his book delightful. Byrne has a wonderful blend of goofiness and elegance. As I read I hear the prose in his dry twangy voice that he uses in his movie “True Stories.”


A record 20 women will serve in U.S. Senate | Texas on the Potomac | a blog


What Americans Keep Ignoring About Finland’s School Success – Anu Partanen – The Atlantic

Thanks to the DAVEPAUL for recommending this link. Like several I’m linking today I haven’t read it entirely yet.


Direct Democracy: Results of Ballot Propositions Across the Country


Too Smart to Fail: Notes on an Age of Folly | Thomas Frank | The Baffler

The Baffler is a new online source for me. It’s a mag but does put some articles online.

“We have become a society that can’t self-correct, that can’t address its obvious problems, that can’t pull out of its nosedive. And so to our list of disasters let us add this fourth entry: we have entered an age of folly that—for all our Facebooking and the twittling tweedle-dee-tweets of the twitterati—we can’t wake up from.”


China: Worse Than You Ever Imagined by Ian Johnson | The New York Review of Books


The Politics of Fear by Mark Danner | The New York Review of Books

Silence in the election about the Middle East Peace process.


On to the next one | Marc Lynch

Foreign policy observations post election.


The digital challenge, I: Loss & gain, or the fate of the book by Anthony Daniels – The New Criterion

This goofy articles keep sucking me in.


Book review of Jack Zipes’ The Irresistible Fairy Tale | Open Letters Monthly – an Arts and Literature Review

The filter site that pointed me to this (Arts and Letters Daily: said this article talks about how Disney has ruined the Fairy Tale.


Three I plan to read on the Baffler site.

Omniscient Gentlemen of The Atlantic | Maureen Tkacik | The Baffler

The Joke’s on You | Steve Almond | The Baffler

This critiques our tv best comics: Steward and Colbert.

Oh, the Pathos! | Eugenia Williamson | The Baffler

Chronicles the “This American Life” screw up of featuring a false report.

The Baffler