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hymnals and a bit of political observation via G. K.

I have long admired The English Hymnal.  The musical editor, Ralph Vaughan Williams, is someone whose music I admire. I have wondered why it and Hymns, Ancient  and Modern exist side by side in English usage in the past.

Early in my church music work, I obtained copies of these hymnals and regularly consulted them. Finishing up The English Hymn by J. R. Watson, I ran across the explanation of their co-existence.

In the late 1890s, the editors of Hymns, Ancient and Modern began working on a new edition. In it they were influenced by the philosophy of poet and hymn writer Robert Bridges. Bridges wanted hymnody to be more elevated than the mid-Victorian and gospel hymns. He advocated a return to his idea of heritage: “plainsong, Reformation tunes, Gibbons, Tallis and Bach.”

Eventually he published his own hymnal.


His Yatendon Hymnal (which I had never heard of until reading its name in Watson’s prose) not only attempted a corrective in its selection, it was also a beautifully made book.

Unfortunately for the editors of the Hymns, Ancient and Modern, publication of their 1904 edition began to be known as “that dreadful red book.” They had attempted reform and angered the users of the book.

Into this came Vaughn Williams and his crew with a completely new hymnal. The editors of Hymns, Ancient and Modern refused copyright use of some of their tunes.

Vaughan Williams apparently jumped at the opportunity this created and paired the words of these hymns with English Folk tunes.


O Little Town of Bethlehem - staff notation



The English Hymnal was also a beautifully designed book.

This last text by G. K. Chesterton could easily have been written about our day and age.

I admit that I am a reader and admirer of Chesterton. This morning as I read Watson’s analysis of his hymn, I was struck how his time (pre WWI and the loss of empire for Great Britain) has much in common with my own.

O God of earth and altar, bow down and hear our cry,
Our earthly rulers falter, our people drift and die;
The walls of gold entomb us, the swords of scorn divide;
Take not Thy thunder from us, but take away our pride.

From all that terror teaches, from lies of tongue and pen,
From all the easy speeches that comfort cruel men;
From sale and profanation of honor and the sword;
From sleep and from damnation, deliver us, good Lord!

Tie in a living tether, the prince and priest and thrall;
Bind all our lives together, smite us and save us all;
In ire and exultation aflame with faith and free,
Lift up a living nation, a single sword to Thee.

“Our earthly rulers falter, our people drift and die; The walls of gold entomb us, the swords of scorn divide; Take not Thy thunder from us, but take away our pride” could have been written about American right now.

Chesterton even mentions “terror” and the harm it can do in the next verse and along with “lies” and “easy speeches” and asks for deliverance from all of it.

The last stanza is a call for community in my reading. A tether that will “bind” all. He doesn’t entirely avoid nationalism as he calls for a spiritual revitalization.  In that he also echoes American now who cannot see herself as anything but first in the world.


Bo Xilai Expelled from China’s Communist Party –

This story continues to fascinate me.


France – Roma Camp Burned –

Same as it ever was.


The World Needs Wolves –

Predators help the flora as well as the fauna in the ecosystem. Who knew?


Should U.S. Stay Out of Mideast Affairs? –

Love lovely quote in this article:

Samuel P. Huntington’s much misrepresented book “The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order”: “The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas, values or religion … but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do.”


The V.A.’s Responsibility to Homeless Veterans –

What a national shame.


Praising Obama’s Defense of Free Speech, NYT Leaves Much Unsaid | FAIR Blog

It would also have been helpful if Cooper and the editors had explained that the U.S. actually has a horrendous record when it comes to supporting free-speech and democracy in the Muslim world.

The U.S. currently supports and arms autocratic and free-speech averse regimes in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.


my first video with my new web cam

This is the piece I played for my Kids’ Choir on Wednesday. I’m still learning it.

I hope my final performance is a little better than this one. I can see how recording affects my view of my playing. First of all it’s informative to watch myself.

I do move a lot as I play. Probably a hold over from the rock and roll days when my fellow rockers actually told me I needed to move my body more as I played.

I remember at my audition for the grad department at Notre Dame the professors were quite concerned when I shifted my body once while playing. Yeah, the whole ND experience ended up shaking my self confidence as much as educating. My teacher and his wife very unhelpfully told me as I graduated that the consensus was that I wouldn’t make it through. Nice.

A dear professor killed himself right after I left the program. They abandoned the inter-disciplinary approach between music and liturgy quickly thereafter. There are reasons I am bitter about college.


I could have done a few more takes and probably gotten the glitches out of this performance. I’m too lazy for recording.

Wednesday, I asked the kids if they knew what a duet was.

It was interesting that one of them asked if dancing could be a duet.

I said yes of course. He then said that he had danced a duet at talent show (I think it was a talent show).

We discussed what a trio was.

I demonstrated that my feet played the low notes. I asked them what instruments played low notes. Eventually I got “tuba” and “bass.”

At first someone said oboe.

I said no, oboe is like my right hand and played a bit (it’s a reed).

We talked about the musical materials of Bach’s piece. I pointed out how the beginning melody is changed in the second section. Two of the choristers agreed it was like “going up the stairs,”


then “going down the stairs.”


I found this observation quite marvelous.

After I finished playing the entire piece for them, I said now you know something: an organist can play a trio with him/herself.

I didn’t blog yesterday since daughter Elizabeth got up early enough to keep me company. Having her around reminded me that there are people besides Eileen who “get me” (Eileen’s phrase). I do like my adult kids.

She helped me pick out the web cam and helped me try it out. She taped several  instances of me playing which I want to look at for evaluation of my technique. In the video above, the camera angle is such that at first I thought  I might be holding my left shoulder funny.  After several viewings I’m not sure. I (Elizabeth really) did adjust the camera and do some more taping so I have something to compare it with.

I haven’t looked at all of the recordings yet. I was dismayed to find that there is no video editing program building into Windows XP as there is in Windows 7.

There is one available through Windows for XP if one updates with one of the dreaded “service pack 2” for XP.


I didn’t do that.

Instead I edited on my netbook, uploaded privately to youtube, viewed, reedited, then re-uploaded publicly. There is an interim step of converting a “project” to a .wmv file format. This is clunky and time consuming but it works.

My plan is eventually to move the finished files off my netbook via dropbox because I don’t want to use the netbook for storage. Instead I will store videos on my exterior hard drive.

It’s quite an elaborate process at this point and that’s why I haven’t yet checked out all the videos Elizabeth helped me make this week.


The Arab Spring Still Blooms –

article by the president of Tunisia.

The Arab revolutions have not turned anti-Western. Nor are they pro-Western. They are simply not about the West. They remain fundamentally about social justice and democracy — not about religion or establishing Shariah law.


Case of Rosa Jimenez Becomes Symbol of Unequal Treatment of Immigrants –

a 2007 Mexican documentary that showed the prosecutor saying of Ms. Jimenez, “Despite being from Mexico, she’s very intelligent,”

“Illegal” vs. “Undocumented” – On The Media

On a related note, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas addresses how “illegal” quickly transforms into “Mexican” or just a dehumanizing pejorative  in this article in a segment on this week’s On The Media.


In Obama’s Speech, Their Voices –

Some people were listening and finding encouragement in a speech.


Why I Refuse to Vote for Barack Obama – Conor Friedersdorf – The Atlantic

Daughter Elizabeth pointed me to this. Haven’t read yet. She said it’s about drones. I definitely have a problem with the way the US is using drones to kill people. But at this point I still plan to vote for Obama.


Data Centers in Rural Washington State Gobble Power –

The internet is not that green.
