as the country devolves, I keep eating cheese


Ecards | Aardman animations, Christmas smell, National cheese ...

So Zingerman’s gave me another discount at the end of May. I ordered cheese and coffee beans, all on sale. They arrived today. I made bread today and we have already eaten most of one loaf. Even though my country is falling apart, we are living very well in our little bunker.

Walter Stuempfig (1914-1970). "Man Reading a Newspaper." n.d. ...

The news is distressing that’s for sure. At the age of 68 I am so much more aware of the riots than I was in the sixties. This reminds me of them. Not in a good way.

My friend, Dawn Van Ark, has agreed to play a piece of mine for the prelude on June 28. Here’s  a PDF if you’re interested.

I’ve just about learned Bach’s bouree above. I did the transcription myself from his unaccompanied Violin Sonata in B minor.  Again here’s the  PDF

What Did Bach Sound Like to Bach? | National Endowment for the Arts

I’m always skeptical of these virtual recreations. But it’s interesting to think about.

The End of Policing

Alex Vitale - The End of Policing (In Conversation) by Upstream on ...

I heard Vitale on a recent Counterspin podcast. I might have to read this book.

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