as soon as my schedule clears up


I am still struggling with a bit of burn out. Yesterday I set myself several tasks for work: Plan Trinity Sunday, choose organ music for same, point the psalm, request again the format and hymns for this Saturday’s confirmation service I am playing, put together a reimbursement request for a bunch of  money I have spent on music and wining/dining the Taylor and Boody guys when they were here, get a sub for July 6, find online pictures of organs by the four builders we have contacted and send them to the boss so she can make posters of them.

In between I had lunch scheduled with two colleagues from the AGO and a meeting with a parishioner who is going to play a little hammered dulcimer on Sunday’s Pentecost Anthem.

I bogged down in trying to get the stuff together for Trinity. Spent the rest of the day feeling behind. It was pleasant to meet with colleagues and the hammered dulcimer player, but I felt off balance most of the day. I did finish several of the tasks, but I am planning to do the reimbursement list this morning and possibly the online pics.

I meet with the boss at 1PM  and then the organ committee and friends is meeting at 2 PM to leave on a field trip to South Bend and Goshen to hear some organs.

I desperately need some time off.

I did manage to get a sub for July 6. Eileen has asked me to take off three weekends this summer. One to travel to Calif to see my son and his fam, one to spend at the Grayling cabin with my brother and his fam, one to fly away to Beijing to see our new grandkid who will be born by then.

We both noticed that this isn’t quite the same as taking some time off together.  We should be able to do some of that during the week as soon as my schedule clears up.


1. Teaching the Ancient buy diazepam uk 2mg Greek Optative and Subjunctive by Staging Cultural Practice by Timothy Pepper, Classics

I spent a good portion of my morning Greek studies clarifying in my own mind the difference between the optative and subjunctive mood. This link to is to a description of a method a teacher used to teach them which I found kind of cool.
I actually found a page on a Spanish teaching web site helpful.
Disturbing. Someone killed a six year old kid and critically wounded a seven year old in New York. Hard to fathom.
This is a good article by Brooks. He draws on an interview with child psychologist Adam Phillips (linked in the article) for wisdom regarding how to deal with the distractions of technology.
Good quote sums it up:
“The information universe tempts you with mildly pleasant but ultimately numbing diversions. The only way to stay fully alive is to dive down to your obsessions six fathoms deep. Down there it’s possible to make progress toward fulfilling your terrifying longing, which is the experience that produces the joy.”
I like this because obsessing is pretty much how I approach much of my use of the interwebs (see link 1 today for an example).
 This led Eileen and I to talk about how our devices affect our relationship.  She fears that she buries herself in her phone a lot. I pointed out that since she has retired recently we have much more time together and that generally it’s not been the difficult transition that many couples go through around retirement.


Krugman keeps banging away on the confusion and disingenuous nature of the denial of the extremes in our society.

” [I]nequality denial persists, for pretty much the same reasons that climate change denial persists: there are powerful groups with a strong interest in rejecting the facts, or at least creating a fog of doubt.”


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