another quick blog

I have had  a very full few days. Two presentations on the Martin Pasi organ within the last week, the arrival of loved ones from China, Eileen’s debilitating back pain (sciatic), hurriedly choosing four more anthems for the choir to rehearse for Lent, then preparing them for last night’s rehearsal, last night’s rehearsal, and that’s just what I recall right now.

I have been wondering if my online presence is winding down. I find social media increasingly vapid expect for connecting to friends and loved ones who are not physically near. My time to do what I prefer to do is becoming increasingly valuable to me. I have never had the sort of dialogue here that I envisioned when I first began doing a web site  years ago.

Hmmm. We’ll see. I am feeling especially happy and grateful to have Elizabeth, Jeremy, and Alex around. I miss having family nearby and I enjoy the company. It could be that I’m just spoiled right now and that’s another reason not to blog.

We did skype with Sarah today. She is doing okay. I know she would like to visit us more and/or see Eileen and I or really any of the family more often. I do miss her and I know that she checks here periodically to get updates on the Holland branch (Hi Sarah!).

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I finished Roccanon’s World by Le Guin. It is good solid writing. It makes me want to read more of her which is the plan.

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I also finished The Whole World in His Hands: A Pictorial Biography of Paul Robeson by his grand daughter, Susan Robeson recently. The Robeson story is amazing. He was way out in front on the human and civil rights issues, way before the 60s. He sounds like an amazing man and I am tempted to find out more about him. Susan Robeson’s bio is what you would expect from an adoring grand daughter. But what’s wrong with that?

Image result for watchmen alan moore hardback

My new hardback copy of Watchmen arrived at the local news stand from whom I ordered it. I was disappointed that it didn’t date from after the TV series, but it’s still a nice book and I plan to read it a third time.

Image result for animal man grant morrison

My son-in–law, Jeremy recommended Grant Morrison’s comic books, Animal Man. Like so many of these series, he didn’t do all of them, but apparently his run was from about 1988 to 1995. I am reading some ebook versions of them. Jeremy mentioned the independent story by Morrison called “The Coyote Gospel.”

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It’s kind of fun. Wile E. Coyote as a Jesus of sorts.

The China branch of the family had a road trip planned for today to Chelsea to fraternize with the Ann Arbor branch of the Jenkinses but the weather is a bit snowy so they opted out and are still here.

Life is good on the home front except for Eileen’s pain. I went with her to the physical therapist yesterday. This PT person was a referral from our doctor and Eileen was favorably impressed with her. Hopefully she will get some relief soon.

NYTimes: The Supreme Court in the Mean Season

I am so glad that the “retired” Linda Greenhouse keeps sharing her observations and analysis of the Supreme Court. This is her latest.

5 thoughts on “another quick blog

    1. I am alive! Nothing is amiss. Just very busy. Eileen is suffering from debilitating sciatic nerve pain, today is Ash Wednesday. My boss has been ill a second time. And we have family visiting. Just busy. Hope you are well. love from Dad

      1. Sorry Eileen is in pain. Glad you are doing ok. Sometimes busy is good but I get it with Ash Wednesday and this time of year you are so busy. I’m doing as best as can be expected.

      2. One of the in-laws just recently went off to Marine Corps boot camp. My sister in law Shellys oldest boy. He will make a fine Marine specimen. I have known him all his life. Reminded me of when I went off to boot camp. Culture shock for me but probably not for him as he was in military school for high school. He is going into intelligence so my hopes for him is that he is not sent to the sand box on the front like I was. He is a good kid with a good head on his shoulder so I believe he will do well. Just FYI.
        David j

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