another day with finale


I will need to spend another day working with Finale today. I didn’t finish the piano accompaniment version of Sunday’s anthem yet. And I need to make another pass at the Trio I am composing. I sent off parts to the players yesterday, printed up the piano part and rehearsed it. I found a couple of errors in the piano part, but more importantly I think I need to change all the horizontal accents to tenuto signs. I’m hearing the piece more legato and even a bit quicker than at first.

Image result for accent music tenuto

At any rate, here’s a link to a pdf of the current draft: working.draft.piano.trio.2017. I promised my friend Rhonda I would put it up in case she wanted to look at it. And here’s the finale mp3 again just for the heck of it.

I don’t think these two are precisely matched, but they are close.

Image result for hidden figures movie poster

Eileen and I actually went out to see a movie yesterday. She has mentioned that she thinks we (I) need to get out more so I suggested we go see “Hidden Figures.” It’s a weird feel good movie about the historical mathematicians, Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson.

Image result for Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson.


I would dearly love to know what these real people thought of this movie. I’m tempted to read the book this  movie was based on to find out if the movie glossed over the struggles of these individuals the way I suspect they did or if the book does this also turning it into a story about their amazing achievement without arousing the viewer’s ire by showing the obstacles more clearly. Jes sayin.


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