another day in the life of jupe plus links


Since I’m not doing ballet classes during the Christmas break at Hope, I have been attempting to sleep in a bit later or at least lay in. This morning I couldn’t. My head was spinning from a long day yesterday. Eileen and I went to Resthaven and picked up stuff for Mom. Then we went to Heartland where she is currently staying. I signed papers for her admittance then left Eileen there while I trundled off to an appointment with Jodi Baron.

I spent a half hour going through possible music choices with her for her and her husband’s upcoming ordination on Dec 20. Then we were joined by Rev Jen for further discussion. We pretty much nailed it all down, thank goodness. Jen and I then spent some time alone doing our usual check in and discussion of stuff. Then back to pick up Eileen. She had spent the interim time labeling all of Mom’s clothes as per the instructions of the care facility.

From there we came home and had a late lunch. I went back to church to work on stuff for the evening choir rehearsal. This took several hours. I came home, showered and then Eileen and I returned for the choir rehearsal.

I have discovered that it helps the choir if I am able to be the most good humored person in the room. This takes tremendous energy and concentration. I pulled it off pretty well last night despite fatigue and depression in the group.

A day like that leaves this introvert’s head spinning.

Adam Grant and Sheryl Sandberg on Discrimination at Work –

Some interesting studies and observations about persistent gender stereotypes despite research that shows that woman are often more competent than men.

I haven’t read this yet but it looks good. Note that the link is to a pdf.

Wall of Sound | The New Yorker

Alex Ross writes a column in the New Yorker. He is great. This is about the organ at Disney Hall and the uncertain future of organ music.

A Sikh Principal, Too English for a Largely Muslim School –

Once again someone who seems competent is let go due to stupidity.

Rage and Sorrow Flow as Student in Mexico Is Declared Dead –

Heartbreaking excellent reporting.

Uruguay Accepts 6 Detainees Held at Guantánamo –

America continues to let other countries set the moral compass of the world.

David Lat’s ‘Supreme Ambitions’ Is a Thriller for Lawyers –

This book looks interesting. $7.99 for the Kindle Book. Weirdly there was no “look inside” feature on Amazon. But one could download a sample which I did. Escape reading.

Mark O’Connor Fans a Debate About the Suzuki Method –

Suzuki method under false attack.

Reporting the News Like Black Lives Don’t Matter | Common Dreams | 

Ripping on Associated Press for its bias.

Senate report on CIA program details brutality, dishonesty – The Washington Post

This is turning into a very weird discussion. I’m sorry that the immorality of torture is taking a back seat to the criterion of whether it is effective or not. Who the fuck cares? It’s wrong. We shouldn’t do it.

The Battle Over Douglas Elmendorf — and the Inability to See Good News – NYTi

The inability or resistance to good news is largely a Republican propensity to insist on their own facts.

Unicef Calls 2014 One of Worst Years for Children –

Friedman cautions us against an untoward “child focus” which he saw as a major contributor to free floating anxiety in the late 20th century. But anxiety does not obtain when talking about such brutal facts. God help us and these children.


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