another cross post from

Class went very well.

On the way home, I heard the tail end of Frank Lutz talking on Fresh Aire. He was very conservative and reactionary. But I liked what he said about conservatives need to listen to liberal media and liberals need to listen to conservative media.

Came home and made an extra page on my google home page. Clicked on The Conservative Voice web site and read this:

We are to be convinced that Iran, with no air force or navy to speak of, an economy not 2 percent of ours, which has not started a single war since the revolution, 27 years ago, is about to give to terrorists, to use on us, a nuclear bomb it may be 10 years away from even being able to build.

I have been thinking about this. I think we are preparing to attack Iran. Interesting to read something like this on the so called conservative media.

Hey. I guess Lutz has a point.

By the way he was plugging his new book,Words that Work: It’s not what you say, it’s what people hear. Maybe I’ll check it out.

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