another beautiful day in paradise


Eileen and I went to the Farmers Market yesterday. We bought kale, eggs, strawberries, spinach, asparagus, cauliflower, zucchini, summer squash, onions, and lettuce. After we came home I crushed and sweetened the strawberries from our previous trip and we used them to make strawberry shortcake (with store bought sweet cake).

Then I parboiled the cauliflower, zucchini, and some green beans from the freezer. My plan is to make Salata Meze (Greek Salad) with them. First the cooked veggies need to marinade. Then I will lay out rinsed lettuce and spinach, dump the cooked veggies on it, top with sliced onions and tomatoes. On top I will put some locally made feta cheese which we bought with this salad in mind.

Here’s a link to an online recipe that is very similar. Like my original recipe, this one calls for black olives. I have always made it without them because no one I was cooking for but me liked them.

I did the Mary library trip after that while Eileen did dishes. Dishes has evolved into my job, but she asked me if I wanted her to do them while I was cooking. I responded with a hearty yes! But I still got up this morning and washed up the few dishes left from last night.

While at the library I not only turned in Mom’s old books and found her some new ones, I also checked out the book Anne McKnight thought I should read, Falling Upward: a Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life by Richard Rohr.

I’m not necessarily planning on reading it. A cursory glance vindicates my comment to McKnight that much of the self help stuff is thinly veneered wisdom that is already present in more unadulterated way in the culture.

I can’t help but gently notice that in our hour together she typecast me as someone interested in spirituality. If that is true, her definition of it differs from mine.

Eileen dropped me off near the church and I  prepared for today. I also picked out some music to perform a week from today. We are singing “If Thou but Suffer God to Guide Thee,” which is sung to the wonderful chorale “Wer nur den lieben Gott”. At least that’s my recommendation to my boss. I am planning to play a couple of settings by Bach for the prelude and another one by Harold Vetter for the postlude. They won’t require much prep and that’s partly what I’m looking for right now.

Christo’s Newest Project: Walking on Water – The New York Times

This is a very cool installation in Italy which is open to the public through July 3. The saffron fabric is buoyed up so that one can walk on it. There are no guard rails.

Home Should Not Be a War Zone – The New York Times

Written by Gen. Stanley McChrystal, a voice of sanity in a society gone mad.

The Second Amendment was Ratified to Preserve Slavery

Additional history…. stuff I did not know.

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