Interesting to me that change seems to be such a driving issue in elections when at the same time one of the most difficult things for us in our daily lives is… ta dah: Change! Check out this very early TV ad. It’s only a minute but if you get to the end you hear:”It’s time for a change.”
1952 marked the first use of TV in presidential campaigns. The other side (the side that lost) ran this ad: I love Adlai, Madly.
I listened to On the Media’s program for this weekend. [link] The first segment features Steven Dubner from NYT blog Freakonomics who says that the data say that Money in elections is not demonstrably decisive stastiscally. Other commentators on this show refine this a bit. Good show and worth a listen.

I woke up yesterday and played through Chaikowsky’s Autumn from his piano work, The Seasons. [link to several free mp3s of entire work] This got me to thinking about other seasonal works. I went to this link to find a free mp3 of Vivaldi’s Fall. If you follow the link you will notice that it is incorrectly labeled. There are two “sommers.” I think it’s the second one.
I also thought of Haydn’s the Seasons but couldn’t find a free mp3 online. But I did find a Youtube video performance.
Finally, I took some pics of yesterday’s supper.

Then we made Jack-o’-lanterns which we put outside on the stoop during trick or treating.