almost phished!


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at 11 AM, I noticed my boss driving away from church yesterday as I arrived to prep for our 11:30 meeting. I went upstairs and opened my computer and saw that she had just emailed me. She asked me (or anyone else on staff) to do her a favor and pick up a couple hundred dollars of itune cards for a person dieing of cancer. I emailed her back that I could do it.

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I noticed that the janitor also emailed that he could do it, so I emailed him that I was on my way to taking care of it. I had the cards in my hands at Walgreens when I noticed a new message from our financial admin person. She informed both me and the janitor that the email was a phish attempt.

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I almost fell for it. Everything was very authentic about Jen’s name and email except for a couple of details. Jennifer was spelled with one “n” and the dot in her email address was missing. Sheesh.

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I woke up this morning and realized there were several more people I wanted to know that I was interring my parents ashes on Monday so I emailed them. Everyone responded with condolences and a few are planning to join us.

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I rehearsed with my piano trio this morning. We played some Faure and Beethoven. It was fun as usual. I am thinking of learning a new organ piece by Calvin Hampton. I am trying to do a bit of coasting these days, but I found a very cool variation on the closing hymn tune a week from this Sunday (Old 100th). I may chicken out, but in the meantime I have already spent an hour or two with this piece.

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Enjoying having the crew visit!


Elizabeth made me coffee this morning. Cool.

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