All those months are equally cruel

Eileen’s at work.

I corrected quizzes. The class did much better this time. I had one person not show up. Maybe he’s going to drop. I hope so. Or at least he has a good excuse and I can give him a make-up.

I listened to East River Pipe (“What does T.S. Eliot know about you?…. All those months are equally cruel….) and cleaned house.

I was preparing for my solo and ensemble soloists.

One of them has come and gone. He plays violin. I enjoy his approach to what he is doing. Very engaged and convincing player. Ninth grade. Playing a concerto which seems to be written specifically for a young violinist playing in the first and second position.

The flute player arrives in about twenty minutes. She is playing Polence. I find this accompaniment the most challenging of the three I am playing.

And there is a cellist playing a Haydn cello sonata.

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