AGO planning and playing good music with friends


I met with Rhonda Edgington and Gordon Bruns yesterday to go over the AGO Installation service to be held here on Sept 15. We have invited other chapters to join us for this service. I put together a working order and we edited it and filled in the players.

After this I grabbed some lunch and met with Dawn Van Ark, the cellist from my piano trio (and musician at Grace). We played through a couple movements of the Brahms cello sonata. Dawn later agreed to attend Rhonda’s party and perform the first movement for fun. Very cool.

Then Amy arrived and we played through one of my favorite movements of the Bach E Major violin sonata. Dawn and Amy agreed to perform this at the party. Dawn left for work. Amy and I went through some Mozart’s violin sonatas and landed on one for the party as well. This gives me some very cool music to practice.

I’m hoping my ballet class actually needs me this morning. I plan to be in place at 8:30 with bells on and see what happens. It’s hard for me to complain since not only is this a needed extra source of income, it also provides me with fabulous online access which I utilize regularly.

This morning a footnote in Bradshaw’s The Search for Origins of Christian Worship caught my eye. It cited a scholar I recognize and have read: James W. McKinnon on updated understanding of how the psalm entered the Christian Mass. I was able to use my online access to get a full copy of his article: “The Fourth Century Origin of the Gradual,” Early Music History 7 (p. 91-106). 

While it continues to annoy me that ideas are behind firewalls online, I still take advantage of the access provided by my status as staff at Hopeless College. Cool.

The Washington Post: Digital Subscriptions Sale: 1 Year for $19

Speaking of online access, I couldn’t resist the above subscription. The sale ends very soon. Whut ah bahgain!

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