AGO facebooger and me

After practicing Greek and making coffee I interrupted my  morning routine to carry out one of my assignments from last nights American Guild of Organist officers meeting. Namely creating a Facebook page for our local chapter.



I think if you click on the pic above it will take you to the actual page. I added some members.



I can only invite people who are my Facebooger “friends.” But I think they can invite other people. I invited a ton of people that might be interested in our local chapter. I figure they can always uninvite themselves. Most of our members are not on Facebook, but the board may have been thinking of increasing our visibility as a chapter.

I also linked in the website of the local chapter.



Again, I’ve attempted to link the pic above to the website. I’m due to go off this board next year and volunteered to do both Facebook and the website if they wanted me to. They asked me to do the Facebook page. It won’t be much work. But it did take up my morning.

Eileen and I spent over two hours yesterday cataloging choral music at church. It was very helpful to have her along. We now have 8 drawers done. Cool.

One of my basses emailed me yesterday apologizing for missing rehearsal (!) and asking what we were singing. He said he might be able to “run it down” presumably online. I sent him links to the online score and youtube of our anthem.

I continue to throw myself into organ practice. Yesterday I actually started learning the Cantilene from Vierne’s 3rd organ symphony.



This is a bit out of character for me although I do play most of Vierne’s famous 24 Pièces en style libre. I figure I own the music and this would make a good prelude soon.

Amid Threats, Duke Moves Muslim Call to Prayer –

Maybe I’m thinking about this wrong, but why can’t these people do their call to prayer from the tower?

French Rein In Speech Backing Acts of Terror –

Interesting differences between French laws and USA laws.

Ocean Life Faces Mass Extinction, Broad Study Says –

I learned quite a bit from this article.

online free art books at Guggenheim

Many thanks to daughter Elizabeth for pointing me to these books.

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