who is jupiter jenkins?

Jupiter Jenkins is Stephen Jenkins


b. 1951

he makes up music

he practices, learns, and performs new music

loves his fam

loves words & music

treasures the internet

lives in Holland Michigan

retired part time music director at an Episcopal church

hasn’t played music on the streets for ages

wonders about stuff

blogs despite the difficulties of  his own stupidity

you can email him at jupiterjenkins@gmail.com

6 thoughts on “who is jupiter jenkins?

  1. Hey, Steve, the comments thingie on your daily blogs isn’t working, but then, you probably already mentioned that somewhere. I just wanted to say I can’t imagine the time you must put into finding just the right photos and other illustrations for these marvelous recaps of your marvelous escapades. Love your show, Man!

  2. Steve, fantastic recital today!!! Can’t wait till the next one! Your music
    is greatly anticipated each week, thank you for your time and talents to Grace Church. Our worship experience is greatly enhanced by your always vibrant and uplifting music.

  3. Please give me credit for my image: three faces blurred of woman image next to “Carson puts it this way: “To be a writer is to construct a big, loud, shiny centre of self from ” text.
    Thank you, Jane Edberg

    1. Jane Edberg, I would love to give you credit, but I can’t find the blog post to which you are referring.

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