a wi-fi holiday


Staying at the Hatch cabin is a very inexpensive holiday. Eileen is now part owner of it and it seems silly to give the Hatch family a check as we used to do when we used it for the Jenkins get-together. In addition, this time we stopped at the Meijer grocery store in Holland on the way out of town. In past years, we have arrived at Grayling and made a grocery stop. Of course shopping in a tourist area grocery store is usually more expensive than doing so in your local store, so that was a bit of a savings.

The only expense is keeping us connected to the wi-fi via our 4G subscription. I think we have a 5 gigabyte limit per month. So far we have exceeded this by about 7 more gigabytes. At $15 a gigabyte this means our bill will be increased by $105 which is not a bad cost for a holiday.


Eileen and I are planning one last morning together here at the cabin. When Eileen gets up we will have breakfast together and then boggle. After that, we will load up Mom’s car with most of the stuff we brought with us and I will drive back to Holland. Then I will unload the car, go to church and practice and post hymns for tomorrow. I will probably get a grocery trip in there somewhere. I will stop and see Mom tomorrow.

I would also like to work on typing up more of my notes on The News: A User’s Handbook before Eileen gets up, so I’m going to make it a bit shorter here today.

Yesterday I spent a lot of time with Brahms and Distler on my electric piano. After the Jenkins fam left, I discovered that I could plug in my speakers to my electric piano so that I wouldn’t have to wear headphones to practice. Eileen said she preferred hearing what I play to the thunk thunk thunk of the sound of me playing silently. This has made playing a bit more pleasant. I am playing Distler tomorrow for the prelude and postlude. The pieces I am playing are from a collection he did of keyboard pieces for domestic use, not public. They are charming little pieces and I have  played through most of them this holiday. I do like Distler.

So it’s been a good time away. I am gaining some slight perspective and losing some of my burnout. Eileen said we could return any time the cabin is empty to spend more time here. That would be nice.


Artificial stingray is ‘living robot’ – BBC News

No news links today. Like many people, I have been following the Dallas shooting and have been reading my NYT online daily.  When following breaking news, some common sense is important. On The Media has put it this way:

Click on the pic for a link to the entire page with more information under each point.

Astronomers discover the first water clouds outside our solar system | ExtremeTech

I love this shit.

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