a taj mahal mood


I have begun my last two mornings listening to Taj Mahal. His music has been part of my life’s soundtrack. I love it that he keeps making records. The above song was recorded last year. It was written in 2006 by John Mayer but I like the Taj Mahal cover better.

This lyric jumped out at me this morning: “When they own the information, they can bend it the way they want.” Here’s another great rendition of a tune I like by Taj Mahal. It was recorded last year.


I am feeling drained today. Yesterday was a very full day. I enjoyed chatting with my boss. Also, my friend Rhonda met with me and we played organ and piano duets. Thank you, Rhonda! I hope I especially enjoyed doing Mozart and Haydn on the piano!

My Haydn book came in the mail today. Written by the professor I studied this subject with in grad school, Ethan Haimo, it looks just like what the doctor ordered for my current Haydn jones.

The trio met this morning and we took another whack at Clara Schumann’s piano trio. It really is a magnificent piece. We learned a lot about it today. I’m going to have to practice it!

A guy came today and supposed fixed our leak in our kitchen. If this is so, it will dramatically improve Eileen’s life who was frustrated to tears about this morn than once in the past few months.

Well that’s all for today. Here’s another great recording.



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