a quick little post


My web site was down yesterday for some reason so I skipped blogging (and wrote a bulletin article for this Sunday).

Today I’m tired from yesterday for some reason. Long day, I guess. Eileen and I have already gone to Evergreen for exercise this morning. While I was treadmilling I received a phone call from Resthaven. They are expecting me today to come and play a November birthday party at 3 PM. I said I would be there. There was some mix up on exactly when I was going to do this. I emailed the activity director yesterday but she was out of town. I’m planning on playing Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven for them as well as pop tunes from the forties and end it with a hymn sing.

My trio meets before that. Not sure when I’m going to get my organ practice in today. My student is over at church right now. Maybe I’ll slip in some time before trio and the party.


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