a no thank you helping

So the family visit went splendiforously.

My sister-in-law and niece were here for the day yesterday. Very good to have them here. Daughters arrived on Wednesday. Of course that’s pretty delightful. Dad was actually having a good day yesterday so he was able to sit up and connect with family a bit. Today my Mom finally went to see Dad for the first time in weeks. That seem to go well. I mentioned to her earlier today that we are going to talk to hospice on Tuesday. She was pretty crushed at first but quickly bore up and said she would go to that meeting. 

In between all this I have been having church stuff which has gone very well also. I played the little Brahms chorale prelude on “O Sacred Head”  last night. It went well. The choir has been doing pretty well. I have two services in the morning and am trying to relax right now. 

This is what I call a “no thank you helping” of a blog. So it ends here.

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