a new drug


On Saturday after the reunion, Eileen and I stopped at Meijer. The day before I had received a text that a new prescription would be ready for pick up after 1 PM Saturday. I didn’t pay much attention to it. Meijer is a bit hit and miss but does occasionally use its text messages to inform me of automatically renewed prescriptions. That’s what I thought this was.

This would be a good chance for me to check with pharmacist and find out if their Valsartan HCT suppliers were indeed the ones from China mentioned in a recent NYT article as dangerous. So I went to the window and told them I was there to pick up a prescription and that I would also like to talk to the pharmacist about the Valsartan recall.

After ringing up my purchase, the attendant went and got the pharmacist. I asked her my question. She wanted to know if I had heard from them (I hadn’t). After a bit she told me that yes, indeed, my drug was being recalled. She said that normally they would just shift it out to another supplier of the drug but that if I would want to switch to a drug close to it she would recommend talking to my doctor about Losartan. She even wrote the name of the drug on my prescription bag.

Then on Sunday morning, I was putting the prescription away and noticed that it was for Losartan. I went on to the MY HEALTH website where I can view my medical information and sure enough, a doctor from my doctor’s office had prescribed it and there was no mention of the drug I was taking. Stopped taking the old drug yesterday and started taking the new one yesterday. So far no reaction.

I have been spending a lot of time with Couperin, Shostakovich, and Prokofiev on the keyboards (Couperin on my harpsichord synth, the other two on piano). Also doing some guitar practice. I am totally self taught on the guitar but since picking it up again am only playing classical music on it. I worked on putting more of my books in order yesterday and tried not to think about work.

Day after tomorrow we get on a plane and fly to California. I am looking forward to seeing the California branch of the fam, but at the same time I will miss the goofing off I have been doing.

I was planning to treadmill today but I’m feeling lazy. By the way, the air conditioning was successfully installed last week. It’s weird having it in the house. Plus my Mom’s old chair broke and Eileen arranged to have it fixed. They took it away last week and returned it today in working order.


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