a little vacation helps

Pics from last week’s Barefoot Jazz gig are up on Facebook. Here I am with the excellent Bass Player, Nate Walker.

In this one, you can also see the sax players, Jordan VanHemert on the left and Connor Prins on the right.

Nice shot of our drummer, Roman Tarchinski.

The rehearsal the night before and this gig were a lot fun for me. I could hear a lot happening in the rhythm section that seemed exciting and particularly coherent.

Church went well yesterday. I nailed the prelude by Krebs and the postlude by A.W. Leupold, both based on the closing hymn, “If thou but suffer God to guide thee.” I had several people comment on my playing. One elderly man with a cane remarked that the prelude sounded like it had required some preparation. This was true, it had required rehearsal.

I reflected on the walk home that though my self image is one of an introvert who would prefer to not schmooze with people, that I had actually had many conversations with fellow parishioners that morning. I find this satisfying because I think it’s important to connect to the people you serve.

I guess my vacation helped, eh?


A Fashionable Getaway, Saugatuck Battles Change – NYTimes.com

Eileen and I had dinner with some friends Friday evening in Saugatuck. Interesting to see the little town made headlines in the NYT.


Tom Coburn, a Rock-Solid Conservative Who’s Willing to Bend – NYTimes.com

Coburn sounds like someone interested in helping the country.

As Glouberman says in The Chairs Are Where the People Go

“I’d love to see institutions that somehow operate on the assumption that people can hold vastly different opinions and preferences and desires without having to become enemies, and also without having to lose track of the desires they have that are shared.”


What Apple Has That Google Doesn’t – An Auteur – NYTimes.com

“The contest is not even close. The company that has a single arbiter of taste has been producing superior products, showing that you don’t need multiple teams and dozens or hundreds or thousands of voices.”


Ralph Nader and the Airline Refund – The Haggler – NYTimes.com

Nader still at it.


Rude Britannia – NYTimes.com

So much of what John Burns says about Britain in this article is true of the USA in an American way.


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