a little fraud and some Virgil Thomas and Darius Milhaud

I received some alarming emails from Discover on Sunday morning. While I was at church, Eileen figured out that our Discover account was being used by someone else.

Discover froze the account and is sending us new credit cards.

This seems to be from online activity and not a hack of our home computers since we have found no other hacked accounts. 

We do a lot of online purchases and this is probably a result of one of them. Oh well. Thank goodness Discover doesn’t hold us accountable for the fraudulent purchases.

My careful preparation last week of the quick section of the C Minor Prelude by Dengler paid off in spades. I nailed that section with ease and at tempo. Unfortunately I hadn’t quite managed to learn one little bit in a pedal statement of the theme accompanied by one hand. I can be heard clearly fumbling on the video I posted previously. This little bit occurs four times in Dengler’s piece. Sunday I got two of the four. I see this a direct result of concentrating on the quick section with the time I had for learning the piece. I’m pretty sure I could have fixed this other detail given a bit more rehearsal.

This week I have to prepare pieces by Virgil Thomson and Darius Milhaud.

The Thomson is an excerpt from his piece on “Come, Ye Disconsolate” from his “Variations on Four Sunday School Tunes.”

I love these Thomson pieces and have performed little sections of them at church. The “Come, Ye Disconsolate” is one I haven’t done before.  Yesterday, I figured out exactly what sections of it will make a nice postlude for Sunday: the first statement of the hymn and the concluding fugal section.

I’m playing Milhaud’s lovely Pastorale for the prelude. It’s not too challenging. My used score has some charming careful notations on it that are helping me play it well. I love used music.

1. In Search for Killer, DNA Sweep Exposes Intimate Family Secrets in Italy – NYTimes

A unsettling use of tech to find a killer.

2. On What Makes One a Reporter in a Digital Age – NYTimes.com

The Texas legislature only allows reporters to watch them. Now they have to determine exactly what a reporter is, not an easy task these days.

3. The Media’s Retreat From Foreign Reporting – NYTimes.com

Some intelligent talk about the decline of on the ground reporting from one who has done it recently.

4. Bel Kaufman, Who Told What School Was Really Like, Dies at 103 – NYTimes.com

5. Why the Border Crisis Is a Myth – NYTimes.com

An El Paso county judge explains why nothing new is happening.


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