Busy day yesterday. I emptied the pie safe. This piece of furniture is one both Eileen and I like. It was originally her grandmother’s. When the day started yesterday, it was in a different place and full of stuff, mostly empty canning jars. They are now all in the basement.
One of the fun things about organizing stuff is re-examining family treasures like Eileen’s Dad’s old lunch box complete with his name on it.
These little wooden things also belonged to Eileen’s grandmother (I think). I like them and they seem to fit our old house. Note “Nader LaDuke” button. This is probably not from the Hatch fam. Heh.

We have cool Jenkins heirloom dishes as well.
This dish belonged to my mother’s grandmother, Ada Deal Ash.
And then there’s this certificate from my father’s father.
It says that he “has honorably completed the Regular Ministerial Course of Study, as prescribed by this Institution and by intellectual attainments and consistent Christian deportment is entitled to this Diploma.” I don’t think it’s actually a Bachelor’s or any other kind of degree. But still I think it is cool.
This weekend Eileen re-assembled my CD rack which had fallen apart.
Now I can fill it up with my CDs. Still figuring out where to put it.
This is the empty spot on my porch waiting for my new treadmill to arrive.