a little bach and procol harum to keep jupe dancing


Used up most of my morning blogging time thinking about and listening to Bach cantatas. It occurs to me that the online resources for this are pretty amazing starting with the superb Bach Cantata website which has tons of information on it.

If you like Bach cantatas it is a wealth of information and discussion about them.

I listened to BWV 1 in its entirety this morning, cuing it up on Spotify and pulling up the full score on IMSLP What inspiring music!

Earlier while showering I listened to Procol Harum’s 1967 album

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I love this album. I much prefer this music from the sixties to other music that was being made at this time like what passes for B3 Jazz organ at Hope college. The keyboard player on this old album plays b3 and piano. It started my day off right.

I’m planning on taking it easy for the rest of the morning, then meeting with Jen at 1:30 for our weekly check in. Choir tonight. Doctor appointment tomorrow. No trio. I’m still trying to get some perspective by taking time away from work.

I had a nice chat with my friend, Peter Kurdziel, yesterday. He drove over to sit in my living room and shoot the shit. God I miss doing that.

But, toujour gais, Archie, toujours gai.

Image result for toujours gai archy

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