a couple of resources


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All motivation drained out of me yesterday. I performed tasks anyway including exercising, going with Eileen to buy a Christmas tree, seeing my Mom, preparing for today at church, and practicing organ.

This morning, waking up, after reading a few poems by Raymond Carver (happy stuff), I read this Paris Review essay: The Tenuous Nonfiction of Clarice Lispector’s Crônicas


Although I had to look up a few  words that were unfamiliar to me (ignis fatuus, corybantic), I thought it was a good essay. Essentially she is thinking about  the need for “aesthetic ambiguity.” I noted that the writer is a staff writer for The Literary Hub. Self described as “the best of the literary buy valium hanoi internet,” this is a web site I want to visit more often. I signed up for email notification of new stuff from both the Paris Review and the Literary Hub.

The Literary Hub also has a pod cast called Fiction/Non/Fiction to which I subscribed and then listened to in part this morning. Good stuff for readers and thinkers. I am finding a wave of new pod casts that are quite good. This one is self described as believing “that nearly every issue that shows up in your twitter feed or on the evening news has already been tackled somewhere in literary fiction.” What’s not to like?

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