a bit of a breather then back to the grind

I survived the stress of the added work of the ballet class accompaniment for the May term.  My blood pressure was a bit higher yesterday and I think this was mostly stress. I’ve also put on a few pounds this week. Bah. Hopefully I can address this better when my schedule clears a bit.

The New Phantom of The Opera ThePhantom of the opera 300x236

Unfortunately next week I have another little project that will take up a bunch of time and effort. I have been hired by Grand Haven High School Choral department to accompany auditions for the fall musical, Phantom of the Opera.

Yesterday I played all the way through the 6 or 7 audition numbers. All the copies of the CD of the soundtrack are checked out of the local library. I listened to excerpts on Amazon and got an idea of some of the tempos (which are not marked in the scores I am looking at).  Most of the tunes are not hard, but there are a few tricky parts that I will have to practice.

Today and Monday should be basically badly needed days off for me. Tomorrow I have the usual church stuff: 2 choir rehearsals and a service. Then in the afternoon I am scheduled to show up at Zeeland High School for a recording session for Barefoot Jazz Quartet. That will be a long Sunday for me.

Somewhere in there I am planning to grill some salmon and veggies for Eileen and me.


Shows Shed New Light on Life of Gertrude Stein – NYTimes.com


Hubert Humprey, America’s Forgotten Liberal – NYTimes.com


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