organ piece & a couple of links

May2009 301

I’m working on church stuff today. I wrote a string trio/congregational setting of Erik Routley’s tune SHARPETHORNE in 1983. I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for this piece in my heart. I like it’s vigor and I like it on strings. However, I thought maybe since we are singing this hymn a couple weeks I would adapt it for organ. Here’s a pdf link if you want to see it. (N.B. This now links to the revised version…. SBJ 8/26/09)

Ran across the Significant Objects Web site this morning (link)). This is pretty cool. It pairs up writers with objects found in thrift stores. The writer then invents a story for the object. Then they see if using the story on Ebay will entice people to purchase essentially eccentric things from Goodwill. Very cool.

Alex Ross has a new New Yorker article that I haven’t read yet but plan to. It’s called “Taking Liberties: reviving the art of classical improvisation.” (link) I’m already a tad grumpy about the title. Hey. I improvise. I guess organists/composers don’t really count. But anyway, I look forward to reading Ross’s article. He usually has his head on straight regarding music.

I sent out an email to old and new choristers.

musicians 010

I put in it the idea that I am asking singers not sing if they miss a rehearsal before a service.  People have told me this will kill the choir. I hope not. I think it will make it better.

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