not so much to say today

Despite having two days free of ballet classes, I’m still pretty exhausted this morning. My Wednesday is a long day no matter how you stack it up.

I usually have time to rest,  but yesterday my boss asked if we could meet in the afternoon. So I had a little less recuperation time before the evening rehearsals. Last night the theme of the education classes was to “build” a Eucharist (communion service). What this meant for me was I had a shortened Kids’ Choir rehearsal. Then I played for an informal Eucharist in which various members of the community had prepared the parts of service. One group baked quick bread, one picked readings on Gratitude/Thanksgiving (the new “Christian Practice” theme for these Wednesdays), one wrote prayers. The Kids Choir sang the anthem they sang Sunday for it.

After this I had the usual weekly Chamber Choir rehearsal.

This morning I have to return for a funeral at Church.

Busy busy busy.

In the middle of all this, I had time to practice organ and a bit of piano.

I found a very interesting and well written organ piece for a week from Sunday that I spent some time with: “Hymn tune variations on O Master Let Me Walk With Thee.” This was written by the late composer, Noel Da Costa and is found in the MorningStar African-American collection, volume 3. The variations shed some interesting light on this old warhorse of a tune and I am enjoying learning them.

I also found time to carefully play through Takemitsu’s Litany (I) in memory of Michael Vyner. What a gorgeous piece!

Here’s a video of this piece.


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