getting there is half the fun

So I better blog while I can. I have a colonoscopy scheduled tomorrow morning. Eek.

I have had a sigmoidoscoy but you can see it’s not as big a deal. Two doctors ago I had a guy who had purchased a cool new machine to do it with.

The music went well at church today. The Bach cantata movement was really pretty good. I played the Bach trio movement just fine. A good time was had by all.

Now I’m in to getting prepped for tomorrow. This involves a clear liquid diet all day today and flushing the system using the drugs the doctor gave me diluted in (no kidding) 128 oz of gatorade. Yummy.

I was reading one doctor’s online prep instructions for this he/she said one should chill it and serve over ice after allowing it to “breathe.” Clever.

Eileen is taking the day off tomorrow.

I of course have all kinds of fantasies that I will die on the colonoscopy table or they will find something seriously wrong with me soon with all these dang tests.

I have spent the afternoon reading online and practicing Mendelsson and John Adams. Now I’m starting to drink the gatorade.

They say that the prep is the worst part. I hope so.

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