vacation fantasies, finished amis, what i did yesterday

One of my vacation fantasies was to begin once again to submit my compositions to publishers for possible publication this summer.

I do this because despite everything I continue to compose. And some of my compositions it seems to me might be useful for other musicians, especially church musicians since most of them were written to be performed in church.

So yesterday I spent over an hour reviewing and organizing old compositions and sketches residing on my hard drive.


Later it struck me I should review those pieces posted here, since they would be in some sort of final version. I’ll probably do that soon.

It is both encouraging and disheartening to examine so much work. The sheer quantity of compositions that builds up over the years despite lack of ambition. Sheesh.

Cover of the first edition according to Wikipedia

I finished The Alteration by Kingsley Amis. I found it a delightful if modest entertainment. Nice plot twists, excellent command of language, and lots of fun alt-future touches like a reformed (literally) United States which seems to exist as the only non-Catholic and non-Muslim area of the world.

The last couple of days I have wheelchaired my Mom outside her digs into the sunlight.

This seems to be good for both of us. I think the spring has reinvigorated her a tad. My daughter, buy liquid valium online Elizabeth, has had the excellent brainstorm to get Mom an Ipad. Apparently she has ordered a pink one with an inscription on it. Grannie (grandmother of her partner, Jeremy – “Quasi-grandmother-in-law?”) took to an Ipad much more readily than some other tech. I am hopeful that my Mom will find an Ipad more user friendly and connect up a bit more with the fam.

I grocery-shopped

and made supper for Eileen yesterday.

She was out and about at work and came home for the meal. She was supposed to leave work early to get a compensatory hour off for an hour worked earlier in the day before the library opened. She forgot and came home at the regular time. I’m afraid she needs more vacation!



The Mark of Maker’s Mark –

Booze in the nooze.


René Magritte’s Little-Known Art Deco Sheet Music Covers from the 1920s | Brain Pickings


London Wary of Rooftop Missiles Plan During Olympics –

Daughter Sarah in the U.K. recently wondered aloud on Facebook why so many weapons are needed for the upcoming London Olympics.  Why, indeed.


‘In One Person,’ by John Irving –

It’s been awhile since I’ve read an Irving novel. Tempted by his latest.


‘The Social Conquest of Earth,’ by Edward O. Wilson –

I like Wilson. Can’t tell too much from this review.


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