more vacation

Eileen and I are holed up in a Holiday Inn in Ann Arbor for a few days off. We are glad to have this time. Eileen was confused about how much vacation time she had left and found herself about to lose a week of it if she didn’t use it before the 15th of this month. She immediately began taking days off while I was still in New Hampshire. We left town yesterday after she walked in the parade.

The wifi in the room connects well but still manages to lose internet access pretty regularly. The first time it happened, I called the desk and they put me through to their remote wifi people. The operator advised me to disconnect and reconnect. This worked. Unfortunately, this seems to be necessary every few minutes. I don’t see how being on the fifth floor might exacerbate this, but maybe that is so.

I did download the book I mentioned and linked in yesterday, “Incidents in the life of a Slave Girl.” I read a couple of chapters this morning in bed. I do wonder about it. It seems awfully articulate but I guess it’s believable since the narrator was educated by her first master. I can’t help but suspect a ghost writer.

Eileen and I went down for drinks last night before turning in. We were both exhausted. I’m hoping this time off will give Eileen a chance to rest up. We are planning to go look at the newly birthed lamb at the farm/home of our niece, Emily. But the most important thing is to get some time off together.

I skipped treadmilling last night because there was no rack for my computer on it. I will probably treadmill today, though. Also I think I left my sphygmomanometer at home so no monitoring of blood pressure as well.

Unfortunate because I feel like my blood pressure is probably slowly getting lower.

Well, I have lost internet several times while doing this post, better sign off.

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