a no thank you helping of a blog post

It’s mid-day in Western Michigan. I usually blog in the morning. But today I was hosting my niece, Emily,

and her lovely husband, Jeremy.

They were in town so that Jeremy could do a presentation the library about his comic book work.

Check out Jeremy’s blog: http://www.jeremybastian.com/

His work is excellent.

He gave his first solo presentation as comic book artist last night. I thought he came off relaxed and interesting. His audience was pretty rapt for a group of teens.

I learned a lot.

Anyway, Emily and Jeremy and Connor and Basil all just jumped in their comicmobile and drove away.

Basil and Connor Feb 2, 2011

Eileen went to work. So now I have the rest of the day to prepare for my big adventure which begins tomorrow.


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