day long post

I like this sentence in today’s NYT:

The death of Mr. Jackson was the latest Twitter-enhanced luminary spectacle that is specific to Los Angeles, with the customary body-slamming paparazzi, weeping celebrities, grim-faced officials trying to maintain dignity and tourists seeking their succor along Hollywood Boulevard, where the police were forced to place barricades on Friday to hold back the throngs seeking to peer at his star on the Walk of Fame.

Nice writing.
My brother mentioned yesterday that his church wants him to start blogging. He figured it’d be easy. He would just  steal all the great links I put up on my blog. Yikes. I don’t think I’ve been putting up that many links. More like moaning and groaning about my life.
So in an effort to minimize self-absorbed ranting for at least one post, here are some links.
Okay. I guess I’m embedding more than linking.

Marque Cornblatt – Steampunk Transhuman Artifacts from Media Sapien on Vimeo.

I like the art in this video. I hope it embeds properly.

Copernicus on Vita brevis

Escape from New York…. a family visit entertainingly chronicled by Fredösphere a blogger I read with some regularity

You know, one of the reasons I think I love the internet so much was years ago, my priest had some IT consultants show his staff some really cool software based on the Tennyson poem, Ulysses. It was full of links (the internet wasn’t that up and running then….. late 80s) to definitions and videos of various great actors reading the poem… also a video of Ted Kennedy famously quoting it on the senate floor. Anyway, I think my imagination awoke to the idea that linear associations were giving way to the idea of networking links.

I started work on this blog early this morning but didn’t publish it. Now it is late in the afternoon and I have spent the day hauling shit from my Mom’s old apartment. My body aches but I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. So I’m putting on some Miles Davis and sipping a martini. The heck with practicing.

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