This evening I take my last antibiotic pill. I think they have definitely helped although my symptoms beyond the initial blood in the urine are kind of nebulous. I am feeling a bit stronger.
I am dreading tomorrow’s oral surgery. I finished filling in the pre op form today. What a stupid thing. I keep thinking the medical field will someday take advantage of the tech available and patients would have a centralized source of information about the health and treatment easily accessible by any health provider. Anyway that’s done.

I finished the book of poetry Rhonda gave me. It’s called imago, Dei and was written by Ellizabeth Johnston Ambrose. It wasn’t too bad. I admit that I understand books by broken Christians. Thanks, Rhonda!
Eileen comes home today. I missed her. She has been texting me and that has helped me keep up a bit with what she’s doing.
Glad I could help entertain!