Jupe finally remembers he has a blog

Dear Diary,

Well, it’s been a while. I have been a busy bee lately. I finished the three movements of my Covid Christmas 2020 Suite, rehearsed them and then recorded them for my brother, Mark.

I just attempted to upload the video of one of the pieces directly to my web page. That didn’t work. Now, I’m working on putting it on YouTube. If that works, I will link it here sometime.

Last Saturday, Eileen sent me flowers. On Monday, she told me she thought I was drinking too much lately. After some discussion, we agreed I should cut back to one martini and one glass of wine in an evening. So that’s what I’ve been doing the last few evenings. So far, this seems to work out fine. When the woman you love tells you you’re drinking too much (or whatever), it behooves one to pay attention.

Plus it gave me something to talk to my therapist about.

So I had to upload this video to my YouTube channel and then embed it. Here are links to pdfs of the music scores:

Greensleeves Violin pdf
Greensleeves Cello pdf
Greensleeves Piano pdf

Whew! That took longer than I was hoping it would to put here. Since I haven’t been posting, I’m not sure anyone’s really checking here very often. Google Docs says I’m getting hits but I’m not exactly sure what that means.

In order to upload the other two movements to YouTube, I have to first download them from my Google Drive. I’m doing that now. In the  meantime, I’ll blather on for a bit.

I have had a full week of prepping for upcoming liturgies. Monday I set aside as a day to do my own working plan for a streaming version of Lessons and Carols and Christmas Eve for my church. I managed to do that.

Tuesday is Date Drive Day for Eileen and me. This means we make a picnic lunch then jump in the car and drive to the park and sit where we can see the lake. Then read, have lunch, and play Boggle in the car. it sounds goofy but it gives us some relaxed time completely alone.

Recently, Elizabeth was joking with me. “Remember?” she said, “Remember when we lived with you for a year?” (meaning our current situation) I replied, “Remember when you lived with me for three years and we took turns having nervous break downs?”

My therapist got a kick out of that one.

On Wednesday I met virtually with my boss, Rev Jen, and we sketched out what I and the piano trio will need to do for Lessons and Carols (on Advent IV) and Christmas Eve. Yesterday, I showed the plan to Amy and Dawn (my string players). They approved. It’s helpful to have this all thought through and finished when we are so constrained with safety precautions for the Covid 19 pandemic.

This morning I returned to some of my long range reading projects and read another Canto from Dante’s Paradisio (in three translations). I’ve been doing a lot of reading in and about Homer, but failing to get to Dante. I’m about half way through Paradisio after having finished Inferno and Purgatorio.

So I’m uploading while I’m writing today’s entry. This one finished.

The Snow piano pdf
The Snow – Violin pdf
The Snow – Cello pdf

and finally this one:

God rest keyboard pdf
God Rest violin  pdf
God rest cello pdf

I think that’s enough for today. I hope to not be away from my blog so long next time.


4 thoughts on “Jupe finally remembers he has a blog

  1. Gosh, these are great! I might post them on the Hope Church FB page, they are so fun.
    My favorite is the Snow Lay on the Ground.
    Gosh, I need to find some friends to play these now!
    Thanks for sharing.

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