Eileen back tomorrow


Eileen is back in town tomorrow evening. I have missed her immensely and will be very glad to have her back home. It looks like Elizabeth and Alex will be arriving on Monday from China. They had originally looked at visiting Sarah and her fam in England, but concerns about having all the children together when apparently both Alice and Lucy are not well outweighed doing that visit. Of course, part of why Elizabeth and Alex are leaving China is the current Coronavirus scare.

I’m sad to see people I love stressed, but it will be fun to have Elizabeth and Alex around.

On the way home from church today I stopped at the library to pick up a couple of holds.

Image result for essential x-men 10"

Essential X-men volume 10 which is a very hefty tome.

Image result for an anthropology of marxism cedric j robinson"

An Anthropology of Marxism by Cedric J. Robinson. I’m not planning on reading this, but I will put it in my personal annotated bibliography.

I have been trying to expand my daily Greek study beyond just translating two lines of Homer daily. I feel like I have more grammar to learn and my retention of vocab is not very good. I am plunging deeper into grammar including reading my copy of The Greek Particles by  J. D. Denniston (second edition).

Image result for the greek particle denniston"My copy of this is a lovely old Oxford hardback but no slip cover.

I’ve also been reading in Homeric Greek: A Book for Beginners by Clyde Pharr, revised by John Wright and going back and doing readings from chapters in my Joint Association of Classical Teachers’ (JACT) Greek course.

Today at staff meeting Greek came up. Jim Steen had a theory that the translations of Sunday’s Gospel (Luke 2: 22-40) had been emended to be more politically correct by changing a singular pronoun to a plural pronoun. He felt that the “Purification” which is sometimes associated with trips to the Temple by women who have recently given birth was what was happening in the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple story. It was fun to pull up the Greek inter linear version online and check. In the Greek, the pronouns are all plural referring to Joseph and Mary as Jesus’s parents so Mary is  not being singled out in anyway. I didn’t bother doing any more checking on this. It was just talk at the staff meeting.

This morning looking for something to exercise to, I stumbled across this. I’m not sure why, but Doniger’s name seemed familiar. Even after learning more about her, I still can’t place if I have heard of her before this lecture. However, she is brilliant and this is a great story of her life as a scholar and teacher.


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