safe and sound in California


We made it to California yesterday. The flight was fine. We had a long lay over in Dallas/Fort Worth and found a pretty good restaurant right there in the huge airport.

Image result for la Madeleine French Bakery & Café

What I liked about it was that they had the caloric content of the food on the menu.

Then Eileen and I found a spot to sit and play our ritual Boggle game.

My three grandchildren greeted us in the incredible heat when we arrived at their home.  It’s so good to see these people in person. Cynthia, my daughter-in-law, keeps me up to speed with them, but there’s nothing like seeing them in person.

Before long, we settled down into a Scrabble game. I won.

The time change is hard on me. I didn’t try to stay up last night and was in my bed by 5 PM local time. Tonight I have to do better since the group wants to go out tomorrow night.

In the meantime, we have to make first ritual visit to Trader Joe’s to stock up on food for the group.

Cynthia worked late last night. Even Eileen was in bed by the time she got home. This morning Cynthia and I had a nice long chat in the cool morning breeze by her pool.

Now she’s off to another day of work. She’s working full time now.  We’ll have the day with the grand kids. I’m looking forward to it.

You Say You Want a Revolution? The Anti-Capitalist Film “Sorry to Bother You” Shows the Way

Although I was initially disappointed with the movie, “Sorry to Bother You,” I keep thinking about it. That’s usually a good sign. This is not a great article particularly. It’s more about being anti-capitalist than thinking about the plot. It’s the plot I keep thinking about.

NYTimes: Whatever Happened to Moral Rigor?

I have been bookmarking articles. This one talks about James Baldwin who is on my mind a lot.

NYTimes: How Elite Schools Stay So White

I think I can guess what’s in this article but will still read it.

NYTimes: The Comedy-Destroying, Soul-Affirming Art of Hannah Gadsby

I like Hannah Gadsby.

NYTimes: Annoyed by Restaurant Playlists, a Master Musician Made His Own

Musicians seem to be extra aware of the aural environment. I know I am. I bookmarked this to check the dude’s playlist out. It looks good.

NYTimes: When We Eat, or Don’t Eat, May Be Critical for Health

Big breakfast, smaller lunch, light supper. Don’t eat at night. Tall order for Jupe but it makes sense.

Music from Strangers Below — Joshua Guthman

I ended up on this web page while thinking and reading about how the singing of Psalm chants in the English parishes resembled Primitive Baptist hymn singing.  Old Hymns Lined and Led by Elder Walter Evans. Sovereign Grace Records was footnoted by Temperley in his book on English Parish church music. Scroll down on this link and you can here a cut from it. I also recommend scrolling down to the bottom to listen to Louisiana Primitive Baptist Church video. Very cool.


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