turkey day in holland michigan

I skipped posting yesterday… Got up late and started poking around preparing for the day.

Since I worked all day Wednesday cooking, I had a bit more leisurely time on Thursday. Eileen and I accidentally unplugged our telephone land line and wondered for most of the day why it wasn’t working.

I managed to have all the food on the table around noon: baked turkey breast for the carnivores, ananadama bread rolls, wild rice with butternut squash and blackened pecans, caramelized corn with fresh mint, whipped mashed potatoes, savory cornbread stuffing, two kinds of gravy (one with meat, one without), mama stamberg’s cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.

My Mom didn’t stay too long. I think she was fatigued. But a good time was had by all.

I spent most of the rest of the day chatting with fam, primarily daughter Elizabeth. She brought me a book written by a coworker:

She also told me how she taught this guy to put up directed facebook ads for his book. Apparently it’s quite easy and one can cleverly advertise to specific audiences that might be more interested in your topic.

In this case, she recommended tapping into the facebook admirers of Nickeled and Dimed, which is a book similar in concept.

She described Thompson’s glee when he had over 26 clicks (people who saw the ad on their facebook page and clicked on it) in the first day.

I’m on page 19.

I did manage to politely sneak off for an  hour of organ practice.

My son in California called me on my cell phone (remember the land line wasn’t working) while I was on the bench.  We had a turkey day greeting.

I  put in some serious work on the Bach for Sunday.

While I was gone Elizabeth trounced Eileen in Scrabble. Then we sat around and chatted drank wine and vaguely watched “The Big Lebowski” on cable. Eileen figured out why the land line wasn’t working.

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