the phone helps


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Yesterday I was having my weekly chat with my boss, Rev Jen. We were talking about my wife. I said that Eileen doesn’t “suffer fools gladly” and wondered  out loud how she manages to stay married to me. Then I said, “The phone helps.” Jen was amused by this and understood since she is in a long term relationship herself and we often compare notes about what married life is like for us and our spouses.

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It’s a bit counter intuitive since these days we are so concerned about being enslaved to screens small, medium, and large. But when you’re an intense old guy like me who often does act a bit foolish, it’s nice to think that Eileen has a bit of escape valve in her smart phone.

Image result for woman on smartphone drawing

Local Church Installs World Class Pipe Organ

I broke down and wrote a little narrative news story to submit to the Sentinel. I’m waiting for Jen to okay it. Comments welcome.

Tuesday Poem

This is a bit of a dated link but I do see some recent activity. It’s some sort of an poet co-op which connects online poems and blogs.

A Celebrity Philosopher Explains the Populist Insurgency | The New Yorker

I found this an interesting read. I interlibrary loaned a few of Sloterdijk’s books.

NYTimes: A Lesson on Immigration From Pablo Neruda

Poets in the news.

NYTimes: A Better Way to Protect Mueller

Kenneth Starr co-wrote this article. I did not know about how Bork acted intelligently after the Nixon Saturday night massacre.  (I can’t believe I wrote a sentence with both the words, “Bork,” and “intelligent” in it!)

Tuesday Poem: ‘Poroporoaki to the Lord My God: weaving the Via Dolorosa’ by Anahera Gildea

Here’s another specific link to Tuesday Poem. This is how I found the site. I was searching for poetry by Anahera Gildea who is one of the New Zealand poets represented in the Feb issue of Poetry Magazine. Oy vay. Via Dolorosa = Stations of the Cross. More religious stuff from Jupe.

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