what’s going on today…. not much, hopefully


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At yesterday’s pregame rehearsal I wrote the web address of this blog since some choir members were talking about it. I do know that a few of them come here once in a while so here’s a shout out: “Hi Grace choir members! Welcome!”

I have to say my hits here are still pretty low. 23 yesterday.

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But speaking of choir, the music went very well yesterday. By the end of the day I was exhausted since Eileen and I went grocery shopping. While we were shopping I was on the cell phone with my daughter-in-law, Cynthia.

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This morning I got up and after my usual morning ritual of dish washing and Greek study, worked on upcoming service orders.

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In addition I wrote a couple of notes to go in next Sunday’s morning Advent IV bulletin.

For what it’s worth here they are.

A Note on the Anthem after the Second Lesson. My final exam in my Liturgical Year course at Notre Dame was one question. Trace the Paschal (Easter) mystery that is present in every feast of the Church Year. Fred Kaan understood this idea and brought it clearly to bear on his words for “Tomorrow Christ is Coming.” The Paschal mystery encompasses the entire story of Jesus. His presence at the creation of the world. His foretelling by the prophets; his birth, life, death, and resurrection; his ascension into heaven and his promise to return at the end of time. The Eucharist is the feast we celebrate to continue to make Christ present (in the wine, bread, gathered assembly, and proclaimed word) now as we await his return. So the line “Good Friday falls on Christmas” is not as far fetched as it might seem at first. The “corn” in the next line makes us think of the Easter hymn, “Now the green blade rises” (Hymn 204 in The Hymnal 1982). Kaan draws this mystery into the main idea of Christmas which is incarnation, that is that Jesus lives in our flesh as he once walked the earth. I invite you to savor this mystery using the words of the anthem and hymns throughout the next season.


A Note on the Organ Music. Today and next Sunday, I am planning to play French Organ Noels. These 18th century pieces are variations based on French Folk Songs. They were extremely popular in France at the time of their composition. Like so much of the organ repertoire from the 18th century and before, this music sits very nicely on our new organ.


I decided not to darken the door at church today. The organ music mentioned above is mostly only manuals. I have been practicing it on my $50 synth harpsichord stop.

I’m planning to rest and relax for the rest of today. Tomorrow Eileen and I are planning a Grand Rapids trip to do some Christmas shopping.

 NYTimes: Trump, the C.D.C. and the Peek-a-Boo Doctrine

This made me think of Lucy Locke, my newest grand daughter. She likes Peek-a-Boo, that’s for sure.

NYTimes: Artist Who Filmed Beijing Crackdown Is Reportedly Freed on Bail

This guy  is on my radar.

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