i’ve been busy


I have been neglecting my blogging. It’s been a busy time for me for some reason. Part of it has been preparing for the imminent arrival of the British branch of the family.  Sarah, Matthew, and Lucy are on a plane from England even as I write this. They will arrive here sometime this afternoon. Eileen will pick them up at the airport in Grand Rapids.

I have moved upstairs. Previously,  I have been keeping my clothes in the downstairs bedroom out of convenience (easy access to the washing machine and dryer). I also moved my morning ablution equipment (BP machine, scales, toothbrush, and similar stuff) to the upstairs bathroom. This way when I get up in the morning I won’t need to go into the bathroom adjacent to the kid’s room downstairs.

Last night Eileen and I had a date night. We have both been working hard to prepare for this visit so it was nice to have everything ready and spend some time together.

Ta-Nehisi Coates on living, writing, and being black in Trump’s America.

Ran across this recently. I have subscribed to the podcast embedded here. I’m always looking for good podcasts. Coates is a hero of mine. I haven’t listened to this yet nor read the edited transcript at the above link.

 130/80. My BP is close to this lately. I haven’t been skipping the martini so I’m no longer losing weight, but I have been exercising daily. The comments on this article are worth checking out. I usually limit myself to the NYT picks.

NYTimes: Susan Rice: Trump Is Making China Great Again

I find it valuable when players like  Rice weigh in. ahem. I haven’t read this one yet either. Hey. I’ve been busy.


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